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Contact Lenses for Beginners: A Guide

Through the use of lenses that bend light to focus it on the retina, contacts offer the same vision correction as glasses. They can significantly improve your vision, but knowing how to wear and care for them is essential.


Contact Lens Types


RGP (rigid gas permeable) and soft lenses are the two main categories of contact lenses. Soft lenses, made of a flexible material that adapts to the shape of your eye, are more comfortable to wear. However, RGP lenses, made of a more rigid material, may take some getting used to but offer better vision correction.


Selecting the Best Contact Lenses


Your personal needs and preferences matter when selecting contact lenses. When choosing, consider the length of time you plan to wear the lenses, your prescription, and your regular activities. Your eye doctor can advise you on which option is best for you.




Your eye doctor will also perform a fitting before giving you contacts. During this process, they will measure your eyes to ensure a secure and comfortable fit for the lenses.


Putting in Contacts


Understanding how to insert contacts into your eyes is crucial. Always wash your hands thoroughly before handling your lenses. Use a mirror when beginning to work with contacts to see your progress. With the tip of your index finger, grasp the lens.

Look up as you insert the lens while using your other hand to open your upper and lower eyelids. To ensure the contact is in the proper place, you should gently move your eye or press on your eyelid.


Taking Contacts Out


Ensure you wash your hands before removing your contacts. Lift your lower eyelid and gently pinch the lens with your thumb and index finger. Discard the lens if it is a daily lens. If not, put it in the contact solution right away. Continue with the other eye. It might be challenging to remove the contact if your eye is dry.


Sports and Contact Lenses


Are you a physically active person? You might wonder if you can wear contacts while playing sports. The answer is yes. Yet, it is best to take preventative measures to safeguard your eyes. These measures include donning safety glasses and maintaining clean lenses.


Common Contact Lens Issues


Contact lenses come with their own unique set of issues, just like any other product. Lens displacement, dry eyes, and discomfort are a few typical issues. You can prevent these complications by understanding how to recognize and handle them.


Wearing Contacts While You Sleep


Extended wear is technically possible but not always advised. Although there are lenses made explicitly for overnight wear, others can harm your eyes if worn for long periods.


Maintaining Your Contact Lenses


Taking good care of your lenses will ensure they last a long time and will not harm your eyes. That entails keeping them in the right solution, cleaning them frequently, and changing them per the suggested cycle.


When to Replace Contact Lenses


It is best to replace your contact lenses on the recommended schedule to protect your eyes from harm. Your eye doctor can provide a specific timetable for replacing your lenses.




Contact lenses are a fantastic option for those seeking an alternative to conventional glasses. That said, it is crucial to know the fundamentals before switching. They can offer clear and comfortable vision for many years with the proper knowledge and maintenance.

For more on contact lenses, visit Primary Vision Care. You will find us in Waynesville, Wilmington, Mount Vernon, Lancaster, or Newark, Ohio. Call (513) 897-2211, (937) 382-4933, (740) 393-6010, (740) 654-9909, or (740) 299-1155 to schedule an appointment today.

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